
Exploration and Colonization Review

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  • What is mercantilism?
    the belief that a nation's power is based on its wealth
  • How did tobacco save Jamestown?
    settlers learned to grow and sell it for profit
  • What was triangular trade?
    trade that linked North America, Europe and Africa
  • What was the Mayflower Compact?
    Pilgrims agreed to make laws for the good of their colony
  • What was life like in the New England Colonies?
    cold climate, rocky soil, farming just enough for one's family, fishing, shipbuilding, small villages, religious communities
  • How did European exploration impact the Native Americans?
    many natives died from diseases to which they lacked immunity
  • What problem did early settlers face in the first English settlements?
    not enough food
  • How did the conquistadors treat the natives?
    they enslaved them and forced them to farm and mine for gold
  • What part of North America was explored and claimed by the Spanish?
    the SW from California to Texas, and Florida
  • What was the Middle Passage?
    the route across the Atlantic Ocean that brought enslaved Africans to North America
  • Who benefits from the relationship between the mother country and the colonies?
    the mother country
  • What is meant by the term favorable balance of trade?
    a country exports (sells) more than it imports (buys)
  • What new technology improved navigation and made longer overseas voyages possible?
    better ships, better maps, astrolabe, magnetic compass
  • What was life like in the Middle Colonies?
    moderate climate, the"breadbasket", farming and industry, religious and cultural diversity and tolerance
  • What sparked European interest in overseas exploration?
    desire for goods from Asia
  • What did Europeans do when the Native Americans died from diseases?
    imported slaves from Africa
  • What part of North America was explored and claimed by the Dutch?
    Hudson River Valley in NY
  • What part of North America was explored and claimed by the English?
    east coast along the Atlantic Ocean, from Maine to Georgia
  • What was life like in the Southern Colonies?
    warm climate, rich soil, plantations, cash crops, reliance on slave labor
  • How did the conquistadors defeat the early American empires?
    native allies, guns, horses, disease weakened resistance
  • What part of North America was explored and claimed by the Spanish?
    the SW from California to Texas, and Florida
  • Why did the Dutch establish a colony in NY?
    the Hudson River - trade, transportation, fertile soil, plentiful natural resources
  • What is the Columbian Exchange?
    the transfer of plants and animals between the Old and New worlds
  • What country was more interested in establishing fur trade than making settlements, and had friendly relations with the Native Americans?
  • What part of North America was explored and claimed by the French?
    the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys
  • What is meant by the term Northwest Passage?
    a water route through North America to Asia
  • How did many Europeans view the Native Americans?
    as inferior