
Nervous system

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  • Name 2 examples of memorising
    learning the vocabulary, learning the lyrics of a song...
  • Name 2 examples of sensing
    Taste the cake, touch the ice....
  • The spinal cord lies within the _____.
  • Name 2 examples of moving
    running, walking, dancing...
  • Name 2 sides of the brain
    Left brain and Right brain
  • What are the missing letters? me_ _ _ _ _ing
    m,o,r,i,s (memorising)
  • The brain is the _______ of the nervous system.
    centre (or center)
  • What organs of nervous system are in this picture?
    brain and spinal cord and some nerve
  • The brain _________ almost all of the activities of the body.
  • How many spinal cord each human has?
  • The brain is inside and protected by the ________.
  • Name 4 functions of the brain
    Memorising, thinking, moving, sensing
  • The nerves are distributed through out the body. True or False?
  • The brain controls almost all of the activities of the body such as moving, (1)________, (2)________, (3)___________.
    sensing, thinking, memorising
  • How many brain each human has?
  • What are the missing letters? b_ _ in
    r,a (brain)
  • Right brain controls _______ side of the body.
  • Name 5 senses of human
    Hearing, touch, vision (or sight), smell, taste
  • Name 2 examples of thinking
    create a solution for a problem, solving a math problem....
  • The spinal cord are distributed through out the body. True or False?
  • Left brain controls _______ side of the body.
  • Name 3 organs of nervous system
    brain, spinal cord, nerves
  • How many nerves each human has?
    7 trillion
  • What organ of the nervous system lies within the spine?
    spinal cord