
Play & Fun

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  • In what form did the spirit appear to Jesus when heaven opened at his baptism?
    Dove (Mark 1:11)
  • What did Hannah promise Jehovah if he gave her a son? (1 Samuel 1: 10,11)
    She would give her son to Jehovah.
  • Although Jonah had at first run away from his assignment, what courageous attitude did he have in seeing that other people's lives were at risk because of him?
    Jonah asked the sailors to throw him into the sea.
  • Complete the Words from Ruth to Na·oʹmi’s: Your people will be_____. (Ruth 1:16)
    My people, and your God my God
  • Why is Ruth a good example for those who care for the sick and the elderly? (Ruth 2: 7,10-12,17; 3: 11)
    Because she was selfless and hardworking
  • How old Hezekiah was when he became King of Judah?
    25 years
  • Complete Joshua's words in the text “But as for me and my household _______” (Joshua 24:15)
    We will serve Jehovah
  • How many years did Jehovah miraculously extend Hezekiah's life? (2 Kings 20: 1-6)
    15 years
  • What books did Jehovah inspire Moses to write?
    Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Job, Psalm 90 and perhaps 91 (Bible card No. 21)
  • How did Joshua and his army manage to tear down the walls of Jer`icho?
    Joshua 6:1-27) By Marching around the city.
  • Complete the sentence: The ____ of Jehovah is your ____. (Nehemiah 8:10)
    Joy, Stronghold
  • Which disciple replaced Judas?
  • How was Abraham called by Jehovah?
    (Friend) James 2:23
  • Jehovah used Samuel to write which books of the Bible? (Biblical card n ° 14)
    Judges, Ruth and part of 1st Samuel
  • What did the priest find inside the temple when Josiah sent workers to repair “the house of Jehovah”?
    The book of Jehovah’s Law given through Moses. 2 Cron 34:14-18
  • How many men did Jehovah choose to fight alongside his servant Gideon? (Judges 7:8)
  • Why was Daniel thrown into the lions' pit ? Answer. (Daniel 6: 6-17)
    For praying to Jehovah despite the king's prohibition.
  • 23- Complete the sentence: Ruth got married with ______ and became an ancestor of ______ and _____.
    Boʹaz, King David and Jesus Christ
  • What other name did Solomon receive?
    (Jed·i·diʹah,* for the sake of Jehovah) 2 Sam 12:24,25
  • What did Solomon ask Jehovah? 1 kings 3:9
    A wise and obedient heart
  • What was the name of Esther's oldest cousin who raised her?
    (Morʹde·cai/ Esther 2:7)
  • Complete: “As a boy, David was a courageous ______ who killed a ______ and a _____.
    (Shepherd, Lion and Bear)
  • Complete David's words in the Text of 1 Chronicles 28: 9: “And you, Solʹo·mon my son, know_____________.
    "The God of your father and serve him with a complete heart"
  • How many soldiers did jehovah's angel kill when Sen·nach`er·ib king of Assyria wanted to attack Judah? (2 kings 19:35)
    (2 kings 19:35) (185 K)
  • Esther replaced which queen by marrying King A·has·u·eʹru?
    Queen Vashʹti, Esther 1:12; 2:16,17
  • How many commandments did Moises write?
    10 - Deut. 10:4
  • How many sons and daughters did Job have?
    (14 sons and 6 daughters (Job 1: 2; 42:13)
  • Complete: Nehemiah served as ________ to the Persian king ____. (Nehemiah 1:11; 2:1)
    Cupbearer, Ar·ta·xerxʹes
  • What did Satan take from Job?
    Their animals, servants, children and health (Job 1: 13-19: 2: 4-7)
  • Jo·si`ah became king at what age? (2 Chronicles 34:1)
  • What two foreign powers did Daniel serve? (Daniel 5:30; 6: 8)
    Babylon and Medo-Persia
  • What was Esther's Hebrew name?
    Ha·dasʹsah/ Esther 2:7
  • When Isaac was born, how old was Abram?
    100 years (Gen 21: 5)
  • Which two prophets had a good influence on Josiah?
    (Jeremiah and Zephaniah (Jeremiah 1: 1,2; Zephaniah 1: 1)
  • What were the Hebrew names of Daniel's 3 friends? Answer. (Daniel 1:6,7)
    Han·a·niʹah, Mishʹa·el, and Az·a·riʹah.