
Amazing Animal Helpers

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  • What kind of animal saved a dog from drowning in a river?
    A seal!
  • What animal protected a boy from an attack by a mountain lion?
    Angel the dog
  • How do carrier pigeons save lives in wars?
    The pigeons can find their way and carry messages long distances - even through gunfire!
  • What animal is the most loyal?
  • What animal can hear through it's feet?
    An Elephant
  • What animals have won medals?
    Pigeons, horses, dogs
  • Why did Mila the beluga whale have to save a diver?
    The diver had cramps and couldn't swim to the surface.
  • How did a cat save it's owners from a fire?
    It dipped it's paws in the toilet then walked over his owners' faces.
  • Which animal has rescued people: A dog, an ant, or a cougar?
    a dog!
  • What animal saved people from Sharks?
    A Dolphin
  • How strong are ants?
    They can lift 20 times their body weight!
  • What animal has worked for the police?
    A horse