
Frog Life Cycle

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  • What do frogs eat?
    Frogs are carnivores, they eat INSECTS such as flies, mosquitoes, moths and dragonflies.
  • Do frog eggs have to be kept dry or moist?
  • Do frogs need to drink water?
    No! Frogs don't need to drink water as they absorb it through their skin.
  • How many frog species exist? 300, 650, 5.000, 2.000.000?
    There are over 5,000 species of frog.
  • Where do mother frogs lay their jelly eggs?
    leaves, ponds, lakes, under the water.
  • Are some frogs venomous?
    YES! If a frog has bright colors it is venomous, do not touch it!
  • What are baby frogs called?
  • Are frogs reptiles, amphibians or lizards?
  • Are frogs and toads the same?
    No! Most frogs have long legs and smooth skins covered in mucus. Toads generally have shorter legs and rougher, thicker skins.
  • Are tadpoles herbivores?
    Yes! they eat ALGAE
  • What do tadpoles use to swim?
    Their tails!
  • What is a froglet?
    a young frog with a tail still attached
  • Do tadpoles grow their back or front legs first?
    back legs first
  • what do tadpoles use to breathe?
  • Do adult frogs use their tails or their legs to move around?
    Their legs
  • Do mother frogs lay jelly eggs?