
Festivals Around the World

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  • In which month is Tet Holiday?
    Tet Holiday is in January or Febuary
  • In which festival do people watch firework displays?
    People watch firework displays for Diwali.
  • In which month is Thanks Giving?
    Thanks Giving is in November.
  • In which month is Diwali?
    Diwali is in November.
  • What do people do to celebrate Eid?
    They... Eat lots of candy / Say prayers / Give to the poor
  • In which festival do people give and receive Lucky Money?
    People give and receive Lucky Money for Tet Holiday
  • In which festival do people buy cherry or apricot blossom trees?
    People buy cherry or apricot blossom trees for Tet Holiday.
  • In which festivals do people eat lots of candy?
    People eat lots of candy for Thanks Giving, Christmas, Eid and Diwali.
  • In which festivals do people eat Turkey?
    People eat Turkey for Thanks Giving and Christmas.
  • When is Eid festival?
    It is a different month each year.
  • In which festival do people eat Ketupat?
    People eat Ketupat at Eid.
  • In which month is Christmas?
    Christmas is in December
  • In which month is Kartini's Day?
    Kartini's Day is in April.
  • In which festival do people decorate a tree?
    People decorate a tree at Christmas.
  • In which festival do people eat Banh Chung Cake?
    People eat Banh Chung Cake for Tet Holiday
  • In which festival do people sing carols?
    People sing carols at Christmas