
6th Science Review: Circulatory System

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  • Which blood vessels perform gas exchange?
    The capillaries
  • What does the plasma carry?
    Nutrients and waste products
  • Which blood vessels carry blood from the heart to the (capillaries in) the rest of the body?
    The arteries
  • What is the largest artery in the body?
    The Aorta
  • What are the flaps in the heart that stop the blood from flowing backwards?
  • What are the two circuits of circulation?
    Pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation
  • What are the lower two chambers of the heart?
    The ventricles
  • What do the pulmonary veins do?
    Carry oxygenated blood to the heart
  • What are the flaps in the heart that stop the blood from flowing backwards?
  • Which blood vessels carry oxygenated blood?
    The arteries
  • Which blood vessels carry deoxygenated blood?
    The veins
  • What are the top two chambers of the heart?
    The atriums
  • What are platelets?
    Particles that join together to stop bleeding when a cut is formed
  • What is the function of the circulatory system?
    To carry blood around the body
  • Which cells fight infections within the blood?
    White blood cells
  • What gives blood its red color?
    The red blood cells
  • Which blood vessels carry blood from the capillaries of the body to the heart?
    The veins
  • How many chambers does that heart have?
  • What are the two largest veins in the body?
    Superior and inferior vena cava
  • What is the main organ of the reproductive system?
    The heart