
Past Simple, Past Continuous and Present Perfect

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  • You _______ (grow) since the last time I saw you.
    have grown
  • ______ you ______ that movie many times? (see)
    have you seen
  • What _______ she ______ when you _______ to her yesterday. (say - speak)
    did she say - spoke
  • James ____________ (not do) his homework yet.
    hasn´t done
  • She ______ (add) in the flour, ______ (pour) in the milk, and then ______ (mix) in the eggs.
    added - poured - mixed
  • Peter _______ (study) Japanese for five years.
    has studied
  • While we _______ (have) the picnic, it _______ (start) to rain.
    were having - started
  • ______ you ______ to Mexico in the last year? (travel)
    Did you travel
  • I ______ (not like) the boys at the party because they ____ always ________(complain).
    didn´t like - were complaining
  • _______ you at the cinema when I ________ you last night. (phone)
    Were - phoned
  • They ___________ (play) music at the party the entire time.
    were playing
  • The whole time she ________ (make) dinner, he ________ (watch) TV.
    was making - was watching
  • She _______ (work) for three different companies so far.
    has worked
  • They _________(take) three tests in the last week.
  • We _______ (go) to London twice. We ______ (go) there last summer and again this year.
    have been - went
  • When I _________ (to be) young I ________ (live) in Spain.
    was young - lived
  • ______ you ______ (play) a musical instrument when you _______ (to be) a kid?
    Did you play - were
  • ________ you _________ reading the book I gave you last week to read? (finish)
    Have - finished
  • He _______ (arrive) at the airport at 8 p.m., _______ (take) a taxi to the hotel, and _____ (have) dinner at 9.
    arrived - took - had
  • Tammy _______ (wait) for us when we ______ (get off) the plane.
    was waiting - got off
  • How long ______ you ________ your best friend? (know)
    have you known
  • She ________ (live) in England for six months when she was in college.
  • My car _________ (break down) three times this week.
    has broken down
  • Many tourists ________ (visit) that castle.
    have visited