
Culture Studies Review

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  • Who is Head of State in Australia?
    The Queen
  • What are the names for the two Houses in UK Parliament?
    House of Commons and House of Lords
  • The term used to describe a set of values around the importance of doing work to a high standard.
    Work ethic
  • What are the names of the two houses of parliament in Australia?
    The House of Representatives and The Senate
  • What is the term for a political system that believes in shared production and ownership of resources?
  • What are some positives and negatives of using online retail?
    Convenient, more selection, vs cannot see/touch products, hard to return, smaller shops missing out, empty shops in cities can lead to anti-social behaviour.
  • How should you give a business card in Vietnam?
    Give and receive with both hands, facing up.
  • What is Cultural Ecology?
    How the people/cultures adapt and interact with the environment.
  • What does MOET stand for?
    Ministry of Education and Training
  • True or False: Functional Management structures are often hierarchal.
  • What is power distance?
    The level to which people accept that society is equal/not equal.
  • Name the term for a document that states a set of rules of how a country should be governed and how the government is set up.
  • Name 2 subcultures that originated in the UK.
    Goths, Punks, Hippies, Glam Rockers, ....
  • Nguyễn Phú Trọng is the...?
    President of Vietnam
  • What is the difference between individualism and collectivism?
    Individual - working for yourself, value difference. Collectivist - value harmony, working together
  • True or False: Vietnam has a Prime Minister and a President.
  • Name the management structure: structures made of teams working towards a common goal while working on their individual tasks.
  • Name 5 aspects of culture.
    Religion, Food, Clothing, Housing, Traditions, Celebrations, Holidays, Values, Rituals, Art, Music, ....
  • What is a stereotype?
    A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.​
  • What is a political system?
    The way a country/state sets up its Government.
  • What is the term for 'the absence of government'.
  • What is corporate culture?
    The shared customs, beliefs, norms, values, and tacit assumptions that make up the culture of a given organisation.
  • Name a country that has a democratic political system.
    Australia, UK, Norway, Iceland, New Zealand
  • What are some negatives of social media use?
    Addiction, low self-esteem, cyber-bullying, depression and anxiety.