
Inventions and Discoveries

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  • What did Marie Curie discover?
  • What was discovered by Vasco da Gama? a) the sea route to India b) Australia
    a) the sea route to India
  • Who was the first person to point the telescope towards the sky? a) da Vinci b) Galileo c) Archimedes
    b) Galileo
  • Where was paper invented? a) Egypt b) Greece c) China
    c) China
  • What did James Watt invent? a) a light switch b) a steamboat c) a steam engine
    c) a steam engine
  • Where was the first self-propelled vehicle made? a) the USA b) Germany c) France
    c) France
  • What was discovered by James Cook?
  • What was invented by the Lumière brothers? a) house lighting b) cinema c) computer screen
    b) cinema
  • What was invented by Dmitriy Mendeleev?
    the Periodic system of chemical elements
  • What was invented by Alexander Popov? a) TV b) the radio c) the telephone
    b) the radio
  • What was discovered by Alexander Fleming? a) radiation b) penicillin c) gunpowder
    b) penicillin
  • Who invented the atomic bomb? a) J. Robert Oppenheimer b) William Mills c) Samuel Colt
    a) J. Robert Oppenheimer
  • Where was the compass invented? a) Greece b) China c) Rome
    b) China
  • What was invented by Alexander Bell? a) TV b) the radio c) the telephone
    c) the telephone
  • What was discovered by Christopher Columbus?
  • What was invented by the Wright brothers? a) a printing press b) a computer mouse c) an airplane
    c) an airplane
  • What was created by Johannes Gutenberg? a) the guillotine b) the printing press c) the hot air balloon
    b) the printing press
  • Who invented the electric light bulb?
    Thomas Edison
  • The fist credit card was used in 1946. Where?
    New York, the USA
  • What was invented by Tim Berners-Lee? a) World Wide Web b) wi-fi connection
    a) World Wide Web