
SC Ready Science- 4th

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  • Which question does this information help answer?
  • At which points on the Earth would it be day? (Hint: 2 answers)
    Z and A
  • Which seat should the student occupy to hear the actors’ speaking parts at the highest volume?
    seat 4
  • Which picture is correctly labeled?
  • Which statement best explains what the diagram shows?
  • Which claim is best supported by the data?
  • The fur color of a rabbit turns from dark brown to white in the winter. How does the rabbit benefit from its fur changing colors in the winter?
    camouflage in the snow
  • A beam of a light passes through a glass of water and onto a piece of cardboard. Which statement correctly describes the properties of the glass of water and the cardboard? (Use phrases: transparent, translucent, opaque)
    The glass of water is transparent, and the cardboard is opaque.
  • What is an example of an inherited characteristic in an animal?
    fur color, eye color, height, etc
  • Which answer is correct?
  • Which information is best supported by these data?
  • The graph shows the best times to plant and harvest (pick) three different vegetables in northern regions of the United States.Which conclusion is best supported by the data?
  • What are the two categories of plants? Give an example of each.
    Flowering- fruits, flowers Nonflowering- moss, fern
  • During what time of year were these temperatures most likely recorded?
  • Which weather pattern can best be described by these data?
  • What season is the Northern Hemisphere experiencing in each model?
    Model 1 shows spring since the Sun shines more equally in both hemispheres. Model 2 shows summer since the Sun shines more directly above the Equator.
  • A student is asked to select the planets that have surfaces made of gas. Which planets would the student select?
    planets 1, 2, 3, and 4
  • Which answer is correct?
  • Where would a hurricane most likely form?
  • Which statement represents an accurate observation of the weather data?
  • Which statement most likely explains the observations made by the student?