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  • What 's the weather like in Puno ?
    It's rainy.
  • What is she wearing ? In your opinion, What's the weather like ?
    She's wearing a hat, a coat, gloves, pants and boots.It's cold.
  • What is she wearing ?
    She 's wearing a red dress and red shoes.
  • When is CHRISTMAS ?
    It's on December 25th
  • What is he wearing ?
    I He is wearing a t- shirt, shorts and trainers / shoes.
  • What's the second month of the year?
  • Whose red skirt is it ?
    It's Magaly's skirt.
  • What's this ?
    It's a jacket.
  • What do you do in spring ?
    I play soccer/ football.
  • What season is it ? What's the weather like ?
    It's winter. It's rainy and cold.
  • What are they wearing ?
    They are wearing t- shirts, jeans and shoes.
  • Whose glasses are they ?
    They are Christian's glasses.
  • What season is it ? What's the weather like ?
    It's spring. It's sunny and warm.
  • Whose blue shorts are these ?
    They are Christian's shorts.
  • What season is it ?
    It's summer
  • What's the weather like ?
    It's cloudy
  • What's the eleventh month of the year?
    It's November
  • What 's the weather like ?
    It's windy
  • What do you do in summer ?
    I go to the beach.
  • What are they?
    They are sunglasses.
  • What's the weather like ?
    It's very hot.
  • What is grandpa wearing ?
    He's wearing glasses, a sweater, pants and shoes.
  • What's the date today ?
    It's first September
  • What's he wearing ?
    He's wearing a t-shirt, shorts and sandals.
  • What are these ?
    They are shoes.