
PBL 3 Brainwaves

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  • True of False: We use 10% of our brains.
    False; brain imaging shows that there is activity in nearly every part of the brain
  • Is practice important to achieve a goal?
    Yes, practice is very important to achieve a goal. The more we practice, the better we get at something. It helps us learn from mistakes and improve.
  • Why might learning about other people, places and their culture be useful?
    It helps us understand and respect others who are different from us. It also teaches us new ideas, ways of living, and helps us work better with people.
  • True or False: People are right or left brained.
    False; people's brains are on a spectrum with everyone being a combination of artisitic/creative and logical/problem solving
  • I don't understand...
  • What does interdependent mean?
    (adj.): related in a close way Interdependent means we rely on each other to get things done. In PBL, we use different skills and ideas from each other to solve
  • How do emotions relate to learning?
    When we feel happy or calm, it’s easier to focus and understand new things. But when we feel upset or worried, it can be harder to learn.
  • Instead of Saying..."I just can't do this."
    Trying Thinking..."I am going to try a different strategy."
  • Instead of Saying..."I made a mistake."
    Try Thinking..."Mistakes help me to learn and improve."
  • I can't do it...
  • How do you regularly care for your brain?
  • What is a growth mindset?
    Growth mindset means believing you can get better at things by trying your best and working hard, even when something is difficult.
  • What is a neuron?
    (noun): a cell that carries messages in the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body
  • True or False: Brain damage is permanent.
    False; brains are pretty good at fixing themselves after injury
  • Brains contain BILLIONS of nerve cells called neurons that send and receive information around the body
    True; each brain is wired with more cells and connections than you could possibly imagine
  • What is practice?
    (noun): when you do something in to become better at it
  • True or False: Our brain uses the same amount of electricity as a light bulb.
    True; studies show our brains produce about 10v around the same energy used by an LED light
  • What is a connection?
    (noun): a relationship between things or events
  • What are emotions?
    Emotions are how we feel, like happy, sad, or frustrated. How we feel can affect our learning. When we feel good and calm, it's easier to focus and do our best
  • True or False: Each side of the brain communicates with the opposite side of the body.
    True; the right side of your brain mostly controls the left side of your body, while the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body
  • What is international mindedness?
    understanding that all people are important and being kind and respectful to others, even if they come from different places
  • Instead of Saying... "I'll never be as smart as my friend."
    Try Thinking... "I will learn from them."
  • Instead of Saying..."I am no good at this."
    Try Thinking..."What can I do to improve?"
  • Does having information from the different subjects lead to broader understanding?
    Yes, when we learn about science, math, reading, and other subjects, we can use what we know from each one to solve problems and see how things are connected.
  • What is a mindset?
    (noun): a way of thinking about things, your attitude about something
  • How can we improve our learning?
    asking questions, trying new things, working together, practicing, and not giving up when things are hard.
  • What are skills?
    things we can do through practice and hard work
  • What is knowledge?
    (noun): Factual information; Things you know
  • True or False: While your body rests, your brain is still active.
    True; while you sleep your brain is hard at work remembering a relearning everything you've done throughout the day
  • What does independent mean?
    Independent means doing something on your own without help. When you work independently, you are responsible for finishing your work by yourself and making your
  • What does understanding mean?
    (noun): the connections between knowledge and skills in order to make meaning. Using what we know and what we can do to succeed in the real world
  • How can we care for the brain?
    We can care for our brain by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, exercising, and practicing calming activities like deep breathing.
  • What is a fixed mindset?
    Fixed mindset means believing you can't change or get better at something, even if you try hard, and thinking you're either good or bad at something.
  • Is learning different depending on your age?
    Yes, learning can be different depending on your age. When you’re younger, you learn some things faster, like language or new skills.
  • I don't know....
  • Instead of Saying..."I'll never do it! It's too hard!"
    Try Thinking..."This may take some time and effort."