
Passive and active voice

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  • I am always being chased by police
    Police is always chasing me
  • We won the game!
    The game was won by us.
  • We are witnessing a pandemic
    A pandemic is being witnessed by us
  • People wrote a lot of books this decade.
    A lot of books were written this decade.
  • People invented chocolate ice cream in the 1920s
    Chocolate ice cream was invented in the 1920s
  • The TV show was created by John in 2005.
    John created the TV show in 2005
  • She always reads books
    Books are always read by her
  • He has been defeated by her.
    She has defeated him.
  • They had been arrested before by police
    Police had arrested them before
  • I don't like chocolate
    Chocolate is not liked by me
  • We saw the birth of an entire civilization
    The birth of an entire civilization was seen by us
  • The media had interviewed Lady Di before
    Lady Di had been interviewed by the media before