
GH 1 Unit 1

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  • How does the Earth's rotation affect time zones?
    The Earth is divided into 24 time zones due to its rotation, leading to different areas experiencing daylight or darkness at different times.
  • Define the term "location."
    Location refers to a specific place on the Earth, either through absolute coordinates or relative to other locations.
  • What are the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn?
    The Tropic of Cancer is 23.5°N latitude, and the Tropic of Capricorn is 23.5°S. They mark the boundaries of the tropical zone.
  • What is the significance of remote sensing in geography?
    Remote sensing collects information about the Earth's surface from a distance, often using satellites or aircraft, useful for monitoring environmental...
  • Why are maps considered important tools in geography?
    Maps visually represent spatial relationships, helping people understand the layout, distances, and patterns of human and physical geography.
  • Explain the difference between absolute and relative location.
    Absolute location uses exact geographic coordinates, while relative location describes where a place is compared to other landmarks.
  • What are the five themes of geography?
    The five themes are location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region.
  • What is the Prime Meridian, and where is it located?
    The Prime Meridian is the zero-degree longitude line, located in Greenwich, England.
  • What are the two main branches of geography?
    The two main branches are physical geography and human geography.
  • What is the purpose of a compass rose on a map?
    A compass rose shows the cardinal directions (North, East, South, and West) on a map.
  • What is a physical map?
    A physical map shows natural features like mountains, rivers, and lakes.
  • What is a political map?
    A political map shows human-made boundaries like countries, states, and cities.
  • What are latitude and longitude?
    Latitude and longitude are coordinate systems to determine a place's location. Latitude measures distance from the equator, longitude from the Prime M...
  • What is human-environment interaction?
    Human-environment interaction describes how humans adapt to, modify, and depend on their environment.
  • Define scale on a map.
    The scale indicates the relationship between distances on the map and real distances on the ground.
  • What is a region in geography?
    A region is an area defined by certain unifying physical, human, or cultural characteristics.
  • What is GPS, and how does it work?
    GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It uses satellites to provide precise location data.
  • What tools do geographers use to study the Earth?
    Geographers use tools such as maps, GPS, GIS, satellite imagery, and remote sensing.
  • What is a map?
    A map is a two-dimensional representation of the Earth's surface, showing features like cities, countries, rivers, and mountains.
  • What is the significance of contour lines on a topographic map?
    Contour lines show elevation and terrain shape, helping to indicate the steepness of slopes.
  • What is geography?
    Geography is the study of the Earth's landscapes, environments, and the relationships between people and their environments.
  • Define GIS.
    GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems. It is a technology that captures, stores, analyzes, and displays spatial or geographic data.
  • What is the difference between physical and human geography?
    Physical geography studies the natural features of the Earth (mountains, rivers, climates), while human geography focuses on human activities, culture...
  • What is a satellite, and how does it help in geography?
    A satellite is an object that orbits the Earth, collecting data for mapping, weather forecasting, and environmental monitoring.
  • What is the equator?
    The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth, dividing it into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.