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  • What is the name of this gulf? ver ,mapa
    Gulf of Guinea
  • What is the name of this mountain range? ver mapa
  • What are the names of these countries in Asia?
    Russia, China and India
  • What are the names of these countries in Central America?
    Mexico and Cuba
  • What is the name of this mountain range? (ver mapa)
    Atlas mountains
  • What are the names of these countries in South America?
    Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Argentina
  • What are the names of these countries in north américa?
    Alaska, Canada and United States
  • What are the names of these plain and plateau?
    West siberian plain and Tibetan plateau
  • What is the name of this mountain range?
    Rocky mountains
  • What is the name of these countries?
    Madagascar and South Africa
  • What are the names of this archiepelagos?
    Japan, Philippines and Indonesia
  • What is the name of this cape? ver mapa
    Cape of Good Hope
  • What is the name of these countries?
    Senegal and Nigeria
  • What are the names of this mountains?
    Ural mountains and Mount everest
  • What is the name of this mountain range?
    Appalachian Mountains
  • What is the name of this desert?(ver mapa)
    Sahara desert
  • What is the name of this mountain range?
  • What is the name of these countries?
    Morocco and Egypt