
Beyond B1+ Unit 1 Lesson 2 - Present Tenses

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  • The Olympic Games (take) place every four years.
  • I can't make up my mind, what (you / think) I should do?
    do you think
  • The sun (rise) in the east.
  • Look over there, what (you / see) ?
    do you see
  • We usually (hang out) with friends at weekends.
    hang out
  • The room (smell) really bad, please open the window!
  • The Earth (go) round the sun.
  • Where (Maria / come) from? She's from Spain.
    does Maria come
  • You are very quiet. What (you / think) about?
    are you thinking
  • My sister (have) a great time in London and she doesn't want to come back!
    is having
  • Liars are people who (not tell) the truth.
    don't tell
  • Let's go out, it (not rain) anymore!
    isn't raining
  • He wasn't well in the morning but he (seem) to be better now.
  • Look at this sentence. What (this word / mean)?
    does this word
  • An atheist (not believe) in God.
    doesn't believe
  • This year we (train) for our first marathon.
    are training
  • I've lost my keys again! I (always / loose) them!
    am always loosing
  • How often (you / go) to the dentinst?
    do you go
  • This soup (taste) amazing!
  • I didn't like my new school but now I (start) to enjoy it.
    am starting
  • The weather (change) so quickly today.
    is changing
  • My parents (build) a new house, they hope to finish it next year.
    are building
  • You (work) hard today!
    are working
  • The River Amazon (flow) into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Tom and Juliet had an argument last night and now they (not speak) to one another.
    aren't speaking
  • (your English / get better) ?
    Is your English getting better?
  • She told me her name but I (not remember) it now.
    don't remember
  • The cafe (open) at 7:30 this morning.
  • I want to work in Vietnam so I (learn) Vietnamese.
    am learning
  • I watched this movie three times. I (start) to get bored with it.
    am starting