
Correct the Imperatives

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  • Lets not go and sees the sunset.
    Let’s not go and see the sunset.
  • Don’t opens that box yet.
    Don’t open that box yet.
  • Lets orders pizza for lunch.
    Let’s order pizza for lunch.
  • Why don’t we buys some new clothes.
    Why don’t we buy some new clothes?
  • Why don't you drives to the store.
    Why don’t you drive to the store?
  • Let’s starts the meeting now.
    Let’s start the meeting now.
  • Please closes the window before you go.
    Please close the window before you go.
  • Why don't we goes for a walk.
    Why don’t we go for a walk?
  • Doing your work carefully.
    Do your work carefully.
  • Let’s not plays soccer in the park.
    Let’s not play soccer in the park.
  • Let’s goes to the beach this weekend.
    Let’s go to the beach this weekend.
  • Lets take a break.
    Let’s take a break.
  • Don’t speaks without raising your hand.
    Don’t speak without raising your hand.
  • Sit you down.
    Sit down.
  • You be carefully when crossing the street.
    Be careful when crossing the street.
  • Lets go and sees the sunset.
    Let’s go and see the sunset.
  • Let’s not invites them to dinner.
    Let’s not invite them to dinner.
  • Let’s plays soccer in the park.
    Let’s play soccer in the park.
  • Don’t plays with fire.
    Don’t play with fire.
  • Take you’re book.
    Take your book.
  • Don’t running in the hallway.
    Don’t run in the hallway.
  • Lets visit your parents tomorrow.
    Let’s visit your parents tomorrow.
  • Finishes your dinner.
    Finish your dinner.
  • Do your works quickly.
    Do your work quickly.
  • Let’s buys tickets for the concert.
    Let’s buy tickets for the concert.
  • Lets make dinner at home tonight.
    Let’s make dinner at home tonight.
  • Let’s taking a day off.
    Let’s take a day off.
  • Lets not make dinner at home tonight.
    Let’s not make dinner at home tonight.
  • Why don't we visits your parents.
    Why don’t we visit your parents?
  • Let’s do our works together.
    Let’s do our work together.
  • Why don’t you taking the bus.
    Why don’t you take the bus?
  • Please opens the door.
    Please open the door.
  • Why don’t you finishs the report later.
    Why don’t you finish the report later?
  • Let’s not taking a day off.
    Let’s not take a day off.
  • Let’s invites them to dinner.
    Let’s invite them to dinner.
  • You listen to the teacher carefully.
    Listen to the teacher carefully.
  • Keep you’re phone off.
    Keep your phone off.
  • Don't eats too much candy.
    Don’t eat too much candy.
  • Let’s goes to the movie.
    Let’s go to the movie.
  • Tell them what are you doing.
    Tell them what you are doing.
  • Why don’t you taking a nap.
    Why don’t you take a nap?
  • Why don’t you goes home early.
    Why don’t you go home early?
  • Let’s not goes for a walk.
    Let’s not go for a walk.
  • Let’s drinks some water.
    Let’s drink some water.
  • Let’s not buys some snacks.
    Let’s not buy some snacks.
  • Lets plan a trip tomorrow.
    Let’s plan a trip tomorrow.
  • Lets get a coffee.
    Let’s get a coffee.
  • Let’s buys some snacks.
    Let’s buy some snacks.
  • Lets go shopping after work.
    Let’s go shopping after work.
  • Why don’t we buys tickets early.
    Why don’t we buy tickets early?
  • Why don’t you brings some snacks.
    Why don’t you bring some snacks?
  • Lets take you’re car.
    Let’s take your car.
  • Why don’t we orders pizza for lunch.
    Why don’t we order pizza for lunch?
  • Why don’t we starts the meeting now.
    Why don’t we start the meeting now?
  • Close the lights.
    Turn off the lights.
  • Don't eats too fastly.
    Don’t eat too fast.
  • Lets not take a break.
    Let’s not take a break.
  • Why don’t you calls him back.
    Why don’t you call him back?
  • Finish this work today’s.
    Finish this work today.
  • Write you’re name on top of the page.
    Write your name on top of the page.
  • Why don’t we sees a movie.
    Why don’t we see a movie?
  • Let’s goes for a walk.
    Let’s go for a walk.
  • Lets not plan a trip tomorrow.
    Let’s not plan a trip tomorrow.
  • Why don't we taking a day off.
    Why don’t we take a day off?
  • Let’s not goes to the movie.
    Let’s not go to the movie.
  • Don’t forgot your umbrella.
    Don’t forget your umbrella.
  • Don’t eats that.
    Don’t eat that.
  • Don’t talks so loud.
    Don’t talk so loud.
  • Why don’t you picks up the kids.
    Why don’t you pick up the kids?
  • Why don’t we waits for the bus.
    Why don’t we wait for the bus?