
The BFG, Dream Catching and Trogglehumper for th ...

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  • What is the equipment for catching the dreams?
    a net and jars
  • What does 'I haven't moved a muscle' mean?
    It means that I didin't move at all.
  • Can dreams get angry? If yes, when does it happen?
    Yes. It happens when they are nightmares caught into the jar and can't get out.
  • What does it mean that the flushlampeater awoke from one nightmare into another?
    It means that he woke up from the nightmare he was dreaming to the fighting giants, which was a nightmare in real life.
  • Are the dreams invisible?
    Only util they are caught.
  • When do giants sleep? And for how long?
    They sleep only before hunting and for 3-4 hours
  • Why did the BFG say to Sophie that she is 4 years old not 8?
    Because he says that humans sleep half of their lives.
  • Who is Jack? Have giants ever seen him?
    He is a man who giants know as a giant killer but they never seen him.