
Conditional Quiz

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  • Young-Hyun will become a professional athlete if he ________ (to practice) a lot.
  • If Bean ___________ (to run for) president, we will vote for him.
    runs for
  • If Phillip __________ (to run) to Lotteria, he will be very tired.
  • He said he __________ (to bring) the dessert if we bring the food and drinks.
    will bring
  • If Rachel ________ (to come) to class on time, she would get one bonus point.
  • If you ______ (to eat) lunch, you will not be hungry.
  • If Si-woo becomes a superhero, We __________ (to be) her biggest fans.
    will be
  • We ________ (to sleep) if we had beds to sleep on.
    could sleep (would sleep)
  • If I were rich, I _______ (to buy) an expensive car.
    would buy (could buy)
  • Hey, ___________________ (you, to go) to the store if you could?
    would you go
  • Si Hyun ______________ (to be) happy if she met a K-pop star.
    would be
  • If they _________ (to buy) food, they could have lunch.
  • If Min-geun becomes a ninja, we _____________ (to hide) from him in North Korea.
    will hide
  • If Megan _________ (to be) here today, she would win this game.
  • I would travel more if COVID ________ (to be) so dangerous.
    were not
  • If Bob _________ (To fall asleep) during class, he will get one minus point.
    falls asleep