
Immigration review

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  • American Dream
    The opportunity to better your condition
  • Tenements
    cramped 4 or 5 story apartment buildings
  • What was Hull House and started it?
    A settlement house started by Jane Addams
  • Ethnic communities
    neighborhoods of people from the same nationality (Little Italy & Chinatown)
  • Old Immigrants
    Immigrants who came from Northern & Western Europe
  • Pull Factor
    Factors that attract someone to immigrate to a particular area
  • What is urbanization?
    The growth and expansion of cities
  • Immigration
    When people left their native lands and came to America to live
  • This group was more restricted due to the Immigration Quota Laws
    New Immigrants
  • Steerage
    bottom/3rd class part of the ship
  • Port of entry on the west coast for immigrants coming from Asia
    Angel Island
  • Quota Laws
    Put a fixed number (quota) on the amount of immigrants allowed into the U.S.
  • What act led to the change in tenement housing?
    Tenement House Act
  • Who was Jane Addams?
    Helped the poor immigrants and women.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act
    Banned immigration from China from 1882-1943
  • This group had a harder time assimilating to U.S. culture
    New Immigrants
  • Name two nativist groups
    KKK & "Know Nothings"
  • New Immigrants
    Immigrants from eastern & southern Europe or Asia
  • Push Factor
    factors that drive someone away from their home
  • Nativism
    The movement to restrict immigration to the U.S.
  • What does the poem "New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus suggest about U.S. immigration policy?
    Open immigration/welcoming of all immigrants
  • Why did most immigrants settle in cities?
    Jobs thanks to the Industrial Revolution
  • Ellis Island
    where most immigrants were processed on the East Coast of the U.S.
  • Who was Jacob Riis and what did he do?
    A journalist (reporter) who uncovered what it was really like to live in tenements by taking pictures.
  • This figure is used in political cartoons to symbolize the United States
    Uncle Sam
  • Name two push factors of the late 1800s/early 1900s
    Religious persecution, famine, harsh government, war, no jobs
  • Name two pull factors of the late 1800s/early 1900s
    Better life, job opportunities, industrial revolution, freedom, democracy
  • Assimilation
    To adopt a new culture