
Entry Test_High Five 2

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  • Choose the correct option: I wear/am wearing my favourite clothes.
    I am wearing my favourite clothes.
  • Reorder: usually TV I watch at weekend the
    I usually watch TV at the weekend
  • Make a question: Mark and Katie / live in a flat?
    Do Mark and Katie live in a flat?
  • Choose the correct option: These/This is the blog for you!
    This is the blog for you!
  • Make a question: you / play the guitar?
    Do you play the guitar?
  • Present continuous: (you / watch) The X-Factor?
    Are you watching The X-Factor?
  • Reorder: walk rarely they school to
    They rarely walk to school
  • Choose the correct option: So, what/who am I?
    Who am I?
  • Present continuous: I (not wear) my jeans.
    I'm not wearing my jeans.
  • Can/Can't: Robert / play tennis (negative /at all)
    Robert can't play tennis at all
  • Choose the correct option: I am/have 15 years old.
    I am 15 years old.
  • Present continuous: Max Williams (sing) at the moment.
    Max Williams is singing at the moment.
  • Can/Can't: the children / swim (positive / quite well)
    The children can swim quite well
  • Make a question: the film / start at 9 o'clock?
    Does the film start at 9 o'clock?
  • Reorder: late our is teacher for never class
    Our teacher is never late for class
  • Choose the correct option: I'm writing this blog why/because I want to talk about music.
    I'm writing this blog because I want to talk about music.
  • Can/Can't: Louise / ride a bike (negative / very well)
    Louise can't ride a bike very well
  • Choose the correct option: I love/loves this blog!
    I love this blog!