
Blue, Red & Yellow

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  • what is this color?
    the color is yellow
  • what is this color?
    the colour is purple
  • what is this color?
    the color is red
  • what is this color?
    the color is blue
  • what is this color?
    the color is yellow
  • what is this color?
    the colour is purple
  • what is this color?
    the colour is purple
  • what is this color?
    the colour is purple
  • what is this color?
    the colour is purple
  • what is this color?
    the color is yellow
  • what is this color?
    the color is red
  • what is this color?
    the color is blue
  • what is this color?
    the colour is purple
  • what is this color?
    the color is blue
  • what is this color?
    the color is yellow
  • what is this color?
    the color is blue
  • what is this color?
    the color is blue
  • what is this color?
    the color is red
  • what is this color?
    the color is yellow
  • what is this color?
    the color is red
  • what is this color?
    the color is red