
SC-Eager - Day 20

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  • Landscape changes for birds can be compared to which scenario for humans?
    you take a road trip you’ve taken many times before but all the places you usually stop for supplies are closed or gone
  • We can do all of the following to help migratory birds EXCEPT _________.
    use chemical pesticides in our gardens
  • Building collisions are responsible for nearly _____ bird deaths every year.
    1 billion
  • About how many species of songbirds migrate?
  • The dangers of landscape change for birds includes which of the following?
    light pollution; poisonous pesticides on farms; and crashing into skyscrapers
  • During flight, how long does it take for birds to lose up to 1% of their body weight?
    1 hour
  • What proportion of birds that migrate in the fall return to breed the following spring?
  • Where do many of these species spend their winters?
    Central and South America
  • What other services do birds provide?
    Insect control; Pollination; and Dispersing seeds
  • How do birds prepare for their long migration journeys?
    Eating large quantities of food