
Thanksgiving for Today 3

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  • What do many countries have for Thanksgiving day?
    harvest festivals
  • Who helped the Pilgrims?
    Native Americans
  • How long did the feast last for?
    3 days
  • Name at least 3 traditional Thanksgiving dishes
    Pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, peas, green beans, corn, turkey
  • Was the winter hard for the Pilgrims?
    Yes, it was.
  • How many Pilgrims died during the winter?
    half of them
  • What do American families do to celebrate Thanksgiving day?
    They have family dinners and thank god and eachother for what they have.
  • When is Thanksgiving celebrated?
    the fourth Thursday of November
  • What did Native Americans teach the Pilgrims?
    how to plant corn and hunt