
Have to VS. Can

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  • Write questions with have to.      your friends / go / to a lecture today
    Do your friends have to go to a lecture today?
  • Tell the correct form with "have to" for obligation. You can walk to the bank. You _________ take the bus.
    You can walk to the bank. You don’t have to take the bus.
  • Write questions with have to.        you / change / your e-mail address
    Do you have to change your e-mail address?
  • Tell the correct form with "have to" for obligation.  Nick can’t come to the beach with us. He _________ study for a test.
    Nick can’t come to the beach with us. He has to study for a test.
  • Complete with can for possibility. ________ (Georgia / talk) on the phone now?
    Can Georgia talk on the phone now?
  • Tell the correct form with "have to" for obligation.  Jody can leave the office early today. She __________ work late.
    Jody can leave the office early today. She doesn’t have to work late.
  • Write questions with have to.       your school / replace / its photocopier
    Does your school have to replace its photocopier?
  • Tell the correct form with "have to" for obligation. They can’t take a train to the airport. They _________ take a taxi.
    They can’t take a train to the airport. They have to take a taxi.
  • Complete  with can for possibility.  ________________ (I / not / meet) you at the park this afternoon.
    I can’t meet you at the park this afternoon.
  • Complete  with can for possibility.  Martha isn’t free tonight. ____________ (she / not / go) dancing.
    She can't go dancing.
  • Write questions with have to.          we / complete / the form / with our nationalities and occupations
    Do we have to complete the form with our nationalities and occupations?
  • Complete with can for possibility. ____________ (Leonard / not / play) golf with us today, but ______________(he / meet) for coffee.
    Leonard can't play golf with us today, but he can meet for coffee.
  • Write questions with have to.          Mindy / take / her son / to the doctor
    Does Mindy have to take her son to the doctor?
  • Tell the correct form with "have to" for obligation.  I can’t go running tonight. I _______ go shopping and make dinner
    have to
  • Complete each statement or question with can for possibility. _________ (you / come) to my aerobics class tomorrow?
    Can you come to my aerobics class tomorrow?
  • Tell the correct form with "have to" for obligation.  We _____________ meet in the office this morning. We can meet at the park.
    We don’t have to meet in the office this morning. We can meet at the park.
  • Write questions with have to.    Trent / buy / a new camcorder
    Does Trent have to buy a new camcorder?
  • Write questions with have to.        I / be / at the theater / before 8:00
    Do I have to be at the theater before 8:00?
  • Write questions with have to.            I / take / a taxi / to the airport
    Do I have to take a taxi to the airport?
  • Complete  with can for possibility. ________________ (we / go) out for dinner on Saturday?
    Can we go out for dinner on Saturday?