
Impact 3 Unit 3 vocab

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  • . The way a school of fish moves in response to danger is an example of _______ behaviour.
  • . They consider the question. (talk over)
  • . He wondered why locusts form swarms, and he found out the answer. (work out)
  • Alonzo has shown himself to be organised and responsible. He is a_______ club president.
  • . The fish that _________by themselves may not survive
  • Could the results of his research on army ants relate to humans? (apply to
  • . Join the event that everyone has been talking __ !
  • Please __ at our blog on Saturday for the place and time to meet
  • Perhaps one day we will turn to robots that can accomplish amazing mechanical feats the way ants can. (count on)
  • The high school band marched in_________ at the head of the parade.
  • . One fish makes a move and its closest neighbours will quickly ______it
  • . He believes in collaboration, so he discusses his ideas with his team. (talk about)
  • She acts on any hint of danger to the members of the group. (respond to)
  • Iain Couzin studies other kinds of animal groups. (look into)
  • . A herd of elephants depends on a female leader. (rely on)
  • Do you need __ up? We have an idea for you …