
Evolution Review

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  • Which two groups of animals are most closely related? a. echinoderms and sponges b. arthropods and echinoderms c. sponges and flatworms d. arthropods and roundworms e annelids and chordates f. cnidarians and echinoderms
    d. Arthropods and roundworms
  • Which of the following is necessary for natural selection? A. Genetic drift of a small population B. Competition for limited resources
    B. Competition for limited resources
  • What common change contributed to each of the Earth's five major mass extinctions?
    Significant changes in climate
  • What was the most recent common ancestor between Cetaceans and tubulidentates?
    Mammal ancestor
  • How many common ancestors do Perissodactyls and hyracoids share?
  • Which group of mammals is most closely related to sirenians?
  • Which of these behaviors leads to evolution? A. Many birds migrate south to warmer areas during the cold winter months B. Your friends are vaping so you do too.
    A. Many birds migrate south to warmer areas during the cold winter months
  • Which of the following is necessary for natural selection? A. Plasmid transfer from one bacterium to another B. The potential for a species to increase in number
    B. The potential for a species to increase in number
  • Which groups are more closely related? A. Artiodactyls and Perissodactyls B. Proboscideans and tubulidentates
  • Which type of resistance developed last?
    Community Acquired Methicillin Resistance
  • Name all the traits mollusks and arthropods share.
    Multicellular Tissues Three germ layers Protostome development
  • Which of the following is necessary for natural selection? A. The proliferation of organisms better able to survive B. Mass extinction events like the extinction of the dinosaurs
    A. The proliferation of organisms better able to survive
  • Which of the following is necessary for natural selection? A. Geological events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, or asteroid strikes B. Genes can be passed on from generation to generation
    B. Genes can be passed on from generation to generation
  • Name 3 things that are evidence of evolution
    Anatomy, homologous structures, bones follow the same patterns in different animals, similar DNA sequences, embryology, biogeography, fossil record,
  • How many traits are shared by Chordates and Flatworms?
  • What is one tool scientists use to determine when one period of geologic time begins and ends?
    The fossil record Mass extinctions Appearance of many new species
  • Where was the most recent common ancestor between hyracoids and Perissodactyls? Point to it on the board
    That spot there