
U1 CW #1: Modern World Vocabulary

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  • Deism
    Belief in a creator who does not intervene in the world and that reason and observation of nature are sufficient to understand it.
  • Elite
    Small, privileged group with more power or influence in a society.
  • Rule of Law
    Principle that all people and authorities are subject to the law, which must be applied fairly and consistently.
  • Absolutism
    System of government in which total power is concentrated in a single authority, such as an absolute monarch.
  • Divine Right of Kings
    Belief that the right to rule comes directly from God and not from the consent of the people.
  • Heretic
    Person who holds beliefs that go against the doctrines established by a dominant religion.
  • Absolute Monarchy
    Form of government where a monarch has total and unrestricted control over the state.
  • Aristocrat
    Person belonging to the upper class or nobility, with inherited privileges.
  • Policy
    Set of principles or guidelines for making decisions and guiding actions in an organization or government.
  • Laissez-faire
    Economic policy that promotes minimal government intervention in economic affairs.
  • Separation of Powers
    Distribution of power among different branches of government to prevent concentration in a single entity.
  • Social Contract
    Theory suggesting that people consent to form a society and follow its rules in exchange for protection and order.
  • Republic
    Form of government in which the head of state is elected and not a hereditary monarch.
  • Serfdom
    System where peasants are obligated to work for a feudal lord and do not have freedom to move.
  • Subsistence
    Economic system in which people produce only what is necessary for their own survival.
  • Democratic
    Governed by the people or their elected representatives.
  • Amendment
    Change or addition to a legal document, such as a constitution.