
Labor Day

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  • On Which Day Of The Week Is Labor Day Observed?
    1ST Monday of September
  • What is minimum wage?
  • Labor Day Originated From The Labor Union Movement Advocating For How Many Working Hours Per Day?
  • Labor means ....
  • What is Labor Day?
    An extra day off of work so employees can rest.
  • When was the first Labor day?
    The first Labor Day occurred in 1882 in New York City under the direction of that city's Central Labor Union.
  • Why would you want a union job?
    Joining together in unions enables workers to negotiate for higher wages and benefits and improve conditions in the workplace.
  • Which City Hosted The First Labor Day Parade?
    New York
  • Which Famous American Landmark Was Dedicated On Labor Day?
    The American Railway union
  • Why was there a parade for the first Labor Day?
    To show that unions have the power to make positive (good) changes.
  • What is a union?
    An organization of working people.
  • How Do Many Americans View Labor Day Weekend?
    Last weekend of summer
  • Children used to work in factories. True or False?
    True! 120 years ago, children had jobs and did not get summer breaks.
  • Which U.S. President Signed The Bill Making Labor Day A National Holiday?
    Grover Cleveland
  • What Is The Color That Fashion Folklore Suggests You Shouldn’t Wear After Labor Day?
  • Why is Labor Day always on a Monday?
    To allow for a long weekend off of work or school.
  • What was the minimum wage in 1995?
  • What’s The Relation Between Labor Day And Retail Sales?
    One of the largest sale dates of the year
  • Is Labor Day a federal holiday?
  • In Which Country Did The First Labor Movement Protests Occur That Eventually Led To The Establishment Of Labor Day?