
*Questions and negatives

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  • My dog and my cat are playing chess now. - ?
    ARE my dog and my cat playing chess now?
  • His grandparents went to school every day last year. - NO!
    His grandparents DIDN'T/ DID NOT go to school every day last year.
  • The diver was very glad to see the shark. - NO!
    The diver WASN'T/WAS NOT very glad to see the shark.
  • The shark was very glad to see the diver. - ?
    WAS the shark very glad to see the diver?
  • She has got two big white wings. - ?
    HAS she got two big white wings?
  • My dog and I often laugh before school. - NO!
    My dog and I DON'T/ DO NOT often laugh before school.
  • Three black cats sat in the tree. - NO!
    Three black cats DIDN'T/DID NOT sit in the tree.
  • Geese have got many teeth. - NO!
    Geese HAVEN'T/ HAVE NOT got many teeth.
  • The monkeys climbed the tree. - ?
    DID the monkeys climb the tree?
  • Three dogs sang very well in the park yesterday. - ?
    DID three dogs sing very well in the park yesterday?
  • Two little girls are swimming in the see. - NO!
    Two little girls AREN'T/ ARE NOT flying in the sky.
  • Crocodiles can read. - NO!
    Crocodiles CAN'T/CANNOT read.
  • The frog lived in the river last year. - NO!
    The frog DIDN'T/ DID NOT live in the river last year.
  • His Mom likes to play leapfrog. - NO!
    His Mom DOESN'T/ DOES NOT like to play leapfrog.
  • My dog and I often cry before school. - ?
    DO my dog and I often cry before school?
  • Three dogs slept in the park yesterday. - NO!
    Three dogs DIDN'T/ DID NOT sleep in the park yesterday.
  • Three black cats sat behind the wall. - ?
    DID three black cats SIT behind the wall?
  • She has got two big black wings. - NO!
    She HASN'T/ HAS NOT got two big black wings.
  • Cows like to fly. - NO!
    Cows DON'T/ DO NOT like to fly.
  • Cows like to fly. - ?
    DO cows like to fly?
  • His Mom likes to play hide-and-seek. - ?
    DOES his Mom like to play hide-and-seek?
  • The frog lived on the Moon last year. - ?
    DID the frog live on the Moon last year?
  • My dog and my cat are playing tennis now. - NO!
    My dog and my cat AREN'T/ ARE NOT playing tennis now.
  • Two little girls are flying in the sky. - ?
    ARE two little girls flying in the sky?
  • His grandparents went to school every day last year. - ?
    DID his grandparents go to school every day last year?
  • The monkeys climbed an elephant. - NO!
    The monkeys DIDN'T/DID NOT climb an elephant.
  • I am eating the fifth ice cream. - NO!
    I AM NOT eating the fifth ice cream.
  • The mouse was very angry yesterday. - ?
    WAS the mouse very angry yesterday?
  • Crocodiles can read. - ?
    CAN crocodiles read?
  • The mouse was very happy yesterday. - NO!
    The mouse WASN'T/WAS NOT very happy yesterday.
  • I am eating the fifth ice cream. - ?
    AM I eating the fifth ice cream?
  • Geese have got many teeth. - ?
    Have geese got many teeth?