
Transformations 1-5 revision

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  • No pizza for me, thanks. I ate forty minutes ago. /// ALREADY /// Thanks, but I ______.
    Thanks, but I HAVE ALREADY EATEN.
  • "Remember to give Alan the card", Beryl shouted at me. /// REMINDED /// Beryl ______ the card.
    Beryl REMINDED ME TO GIVE ALAN the card.
  • The King is visiting Germany tommorrow. /// VISITED /// Germany ______ King.
  • Yesterday, they cut down two old trees in the park. /// WERE /// Yesterday, two _________ in the park.
    Yesterday, two OLD TREES WERE CUT DOWN in the park.
  • Sally isn't here. She went home 30 minutes ago. /// GONE /// Sally isn't here. She _______ home.
    Sally isn't here. She HAS GONE home.
  • I walked quietly so as not to wake the baby. /// BECAUSE /// I walked quietly ________ want to wake the baby.
    I walked quietly BECAUSE I DIDN'T want to wake the baby.
  • I was made responsible for buying flowers. /// CHARGE /// They put ______ buying flowers.
    They put ME IN CHARGE OF buying flowers.
  • Tim didn't have enough strength to move the cupboard. /// ENOUGH /// Tim ___________ to move the cupboard.
    Tim WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH to move the cupboard.
  • You press the green button to start the mixer. /// STARTS /// If you press the green ________.
    If you press the green BUTTON, THE MIXER STARTS.
  • My advice to you is to talk to your parents. /// WOULD /// If ________ talk to my parents.
    If I WERE YOU, I WOULD talk to my parents.
  • The last time John came to my house was in 1999. /// SINCE /// John hasn't _____ 1999.
    John hasn't BEEN TO MY HOUSE SINCE 1999.
  • Do you know how many letters are delivered by the post office every year? /// DELIVERS /// Do you know how many letters _________ year?
    Do you know how many letters THE POST OFFICE DELIVERS EVERY year?