
7G1 Unit 1 Language Review

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  • She_____________(have) a big dog
  • After I fell in the water last Christmas, I ______ go near the lake in Winter. (Adv. freq.)
  • It_____________(rain) so take an umbrella.
    is raining
  • If you're ______ at something, you should practice more! (Adj. + Prep.)
  • My friend never says ‘please’ or ‘thank you’, and is never polite. (Adj.)
  • We usually go on holiday ________ a year. (2x) (Adv. freq.)
  • She _____________(have) a shower at the moment.
    is having
  • The teacher_______(not/drive) a car, he rides a bike.
    doesn't drive
  • My brother _____________(always/help) me with my homework.
    always helps
  • Does she dance? (Negative)
    No, she doesn't.
  • Why_____________(you/speak) so loud? I can hear you perfectly.
    are you speaking
  • We_______(not/drink/usually) coffee in the morning.
    don't usually drink
  • This year they___________(learn) French in a new school.
    are learning
  • My cousin is very intelligent. He learns things very quickly. (Adj.)
  • My friend feels nervous talking to people she doesn’t know. (adj.)
  • My best friend loves playing ball games and other outdoor activities. She’s also very good at them! (Adj.)
  • My friend is always making people laugh with her jokes and comments. (Adj.)
  • ___________(your friends/like) video games? Yes, they do!
    Do your friends like
  • She_________(always / wear) jeans to school.
    always wears
  • How much water_______(you/drink) every day?
    do you drink
  • My brother never jokes or laughs about anything. (Adj.)
  • My friend is very relaxed and never gets nervous or upset about anything. (Adj.)
  • How often__________(you/cut) your hair?
    do you cut
  • Give an example of a 'Stative verb' for being and owning.
    Be, Have, Own
  • __________(your sister/speak) English?
    Does your sister speak
  • My best friend is always making loud sounds. He’s so annoying! (Adj.)
  • My brother is annoying! He’s always telling me what to do. (Adj.)
  • At the moment we_____________(stay) at my grandmother's flat
    are staying
  • Give an example of a 'Stative verb' for thinking.
    Believe, Know, Remember, Think, Understand
  • She_____________(not/like) Italian food
    doesn't like
  • I'm seeing Taylor Swift in August, I'm really ________ about it! (Adj. + Prep.)
  • That child is very active, always full of energy! (Adj.)
  • __________(you/listening) to me?
    Are you listening
  • Give an example of a 'Stative verb' for senses.
    Feel, Hear, See, Smell, Taste
  • If you're ________ at something, you should keep doing it, and maybe do it for a job! (Adj. + Prep.)
  • She’s always sure of her own ability to do things well. (Adj.)
  • I've always been a_____ of spiders. They really creep me out. (Adj. + Prep.)
  • My Dad makes my Mum's favourite lunch every day, so she is _______ happy. (Adv. freq.)
  • Give an example of a 'Stative verb' for feeling or wanting.
    Hate, Like, Love, Need, Prefer, Wish
  • My brother never wants to help at home. Actually, he doesn’t like working at all! (Adj.)