
Past continuous

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  • What was he doing? (spin around)
    He was spinning around
  • What was it doing? (run - room)
    It was running around the room
  • What was he doing? (walk - backwards)
    He was walking backwards
  • What was he doing? (rub - stomach)
    He was rubbing his stomach
  • What was he doing?
    He was laughing.
  • What were they doing? (clap - hands)
    They were clapping their hands
  • What was it doing? (hop - 1 leg)
    It was hoping on one leg
  • What was he doing? (stand - chair)
    He was standing on a chair
  • What was he doing? (try to catch - fly)
    He was trying to catch a fly
  • What was it doing? (run-around)
    It was running around
  • What was it doing?
    It was juggling
  • What was it doing? (nod - head)
    It was nodding its head
  • What was she doing? (wave- someone)
    She was waving to someone
  • What was he doing? (scratch-head)
    He was scratching his head
  • What were they doing? (jump - up&down)
    They were jumping up and down
  • What was she doing? (touch-toes)
    She was touching her toes
  • What was she doing? (say - alphabet)
    She was saying the alphabet
  • What were they doing? (walk around)
    They were walking around
  • What was she doing? (sit - floor)
    She was sitting on the foor
  • What was she doing? (pat - head)
    She was patting her friend's head