
Recount Text (Celebrating Independence Day)

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  • Introducing the participant, place and time of the story is called ...
  • in the text (The first experience as committee in celebrating independence day), what competition were held on the second day?
    soccer, volleyball, karaoke contest, chess competition, tug of war and etc
  • 'saya mengikuti lomba balap karung minggu lalu' in english is ....
    i joined sack race last week
  • lomba balap karung in english is ...
    sack race
  • give the example of temporal sequence, at least 2 example
    last ......, yesterday, ..... days ago, etc
  • in the text (The first experience as committee in celebrating independence day), what is the most exciting competition in the second day?
    football competition, because they held the competition for parents on condition using female clothes
  • what tense are used in recount text?
    past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, past perfect continuous tense
  • in the text (The first experience as committee in celebrating independence day), when were they announce the winners of competitions?
    at night of the second day
  • in the text (The first experience as committee in celebrating independence day), how many days were they conducted the celebration?
    two days
  • lomba makan kerupuk in english is ...
    eating crackers race
  • tarik tambang in english is ...
    tug of war
  • 'that day was a fun day for me because at the same time it was my first experience as committee to celebrate indonesian independence day, in indonesian is
    hari itu merupakan hari yang menyenangkan untukku karena pada saat yang bersamaan juga merupakan pengalaman pertamaku menjadi panitia perayaan hari kem. indones
  • in the text (The first experience as committee in celebrating independence day), who are the participats of the event?
    all of ages starting from children to adults
  • The purpose of the rcount text is to……….
    tell past events
  • in the text (The first experience as committee in celebrating independence day), what competition were held on the first day?
    eating crackers race, sack race, the race of catching eel, and many more
  • Personal comment can be found in ...
  • What is recount text?
    text which retells event or experiences in the past.
  • mention at least 5 past verbs in the text
    held, related, attended, conducted, participated, continued, prepared,
  • mention the structure of recount text
    orientation, series of event and reorientation