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  • The sky -- after the rain
    cleared up
  • I couldn´t --- more ---
    be / against
  • The police had to -- a large crowd that was protesting the new law.
    called out
  • I don´t know what he´s trying to -- with his comments.
    be getting at
  • She -- my brother for so long, I don´t know why...
    ´s been after
  • How did the problem -- in the first place?
    come about
  • The meeting was scheduled for 3pm, but we had to -- due to some technical difficulties.
    call off
  • What did he mean when he said his morals -- the law?
    are above
  • Our mid-terms are coming up soon, so you better -- it and study hard to pass.
    be about
  • The mayor -- the community to also care for their envoronment.
    called on