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  • a torn piece of old cloth
  • a stick with feathers attached to one end, used for cleaning dust from delicate objects
    feather duster
  • things such as chairs, tables, beds, cupboards, etc. that are put into a house or other building to make it suitable and comfortable for living or working in
  • a piece of thick material that is put on the floor by a door, used to clean your shoes on when you go into a building
  • a hollow structure that allows the smoke from a fire inside a building to escape to the air outside
  • a machine that washes dirty plates, cups, forks, etc.
  • the part of a piece of equipment, especially electrical equipment, into which another part fits
    (electrical) socket / outlet
  • a picture made using a pencil or pen rather than paint
  • (a shaped piece of) thick material used for covering floors
  • a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the level of the ground
  • a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house
    garage /ɡəˈrɑdʒ/
  • a piece of thick heavy cloth smaller than a carpet, used for covering the floor or for decoration
  • a metal frame on which meat, fish, or vegetables are cooked outdoors over a fire
    barbecue /ˈbɑrbɪˌkyu/ (BBQ)
  • a picture produced using a camera
    photo / photograph
  • a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door, usually made of metal or wooden strips
    gate /ɡeɪt/
  • a device that controls the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe
  • a large piece of furniture like a cupboard for hanging clothes in
    closet / wardrobe
  • a brush with a long handle, used for cleaning the floor
  • a picture made using paint
  • a machine that keeps the air in a building cool
    air conditioner
  • a box outside a person's house where letters are put
  • a long plastic, metal, or ceramic container that is filled with water so that you can sit or lie in it to wash your whole body
  • a piece of material, especially cloth, that hangs across a window or opening to make a room or part of a room dark or private
  • a round handle that you turn to open a door