
USHA Unit 4 Test Review

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  • This colonial group was formed in 1765 as a result of the Stamp Act and other British laws and taxes.
    Sons of Liberty
  • This man was the first secretary of the treasure, leading Federalist and advocated for a strong federal gov't.
    Alexander Hamilton
  • Revolutionary War Battle - victory in Virginia that forced the British to surrender.
    Battle of Yorktown
  • Which was the first English document to limit the power of the king by law? The Magna Carta or the Mayflower Compact?
    Magna Carta
  • Triangular Trade is the journey of enslaved people from the African coast to the Americas. True or False?
    False! It was the Middle Passage
  • This was the first government of the United States.
    The Articles of Confederation
  • This is the lack of strict enforcement of the Navigation Acts by Gt. Britain in the English colonies during most of the 1700s.
    Salutary Neglect
  • The Mayflower Compact was the first written plan for government in the English colonies. True or False?
  • This was established to protect Native American tribes by setting a boundary from the Appalachians west which no western white settlements could happen.
    Proclamation Line of 1763
  • This group of colonists formed in the 1770s to spread news about protests against the British.
    Committees of Correspondence
  • France supported the colonies during the Revolutionary War because it was unhappy about the territory it lost to Great Britain during the French and Indian War. True or False?
  • This was an intellectual and cultural movement that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith.
  • This group supported adding a Bill of Rights to the Constitution.
  • Law passed in 1765 that Gt. Britain imposed taxes on items such as newspapers and pamphlets.
    Stamp Act
  • This was the first elected representative government in the British Colonies.
    House of Burgesses
  • Colonists gained greater control over the individual governments of the colonies following the French and Indian War. True or False?
  • The Treaty of Paris (1783) ended the Revolutionary War. True or False?
  • These battles are considered the start of the Revolutionary War.
    Battles of Lexington and Concord
  • This Revolutionary War battle in NY was turning point for the colonists and boosted moral.
  • As a result of the transatlantic slave trade, slavery became strong in the New England colonies. True or False?
    False - it introduced African culture to the Americas and increased slavery in the southern colonies.
  • The New England Colonies had smaller farms to due the rocky terrain and colder weather conditions. True or False?
  • Mercantilism was an economic system where the colonies existed to benefit the mother country (Great Britain). True or False?
  • The Quartering Act was an Intolerable Act where the British forced colonists to house British troops. True or False?
  • This war took place between 1754-1763 and was the final war between Gt. Britain and France in America.
    French and Indian War
  • The Boston Port Act was an Intolerable Act that did not cut off international trade for the colonies. True or False?
  • Shay's Rebellion illustrated what about the Articles of Confederation?
    That they were too weak and led to the creation of the Constitution