
Metro 2 - revision units 1 - 4

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  • I saw someone / everyone at the door.
  • Find something softer than a pencel.
    I have a/an __________.
  • Make a comparative sentence with: "Studying Math", "interesting", "Watching TV"
    Watching TV is more interesting than studying Math. / Studying Math is less interesting than watching TV.
  • Tom is going away / going out with his friends tonight.
    going out
  • The plane is taking off / taking on.
    Taking off
  • What does he/she do?
    She's a journalist.
  • Let's go to an ____________.
    amusement park
  • I don't like going / visiting to exhibitions at museums. I think they're boring!
  • Math is the easiest / easier than Language.
    easier than
  • What's his/her job?
    He's a lawyer.
  • We aren't having / don't have a sleepover tomorrow
    aren't having
  • Peter is really confident / lazy. He always gets up late.
  • from / is / mother / picking / up / school / My / me
    My mother is picking me up from shcool.
  • Find something harder than a paper.
    I have a __________.
  • Do you want to have a / go out for a meal this evening?
    go out for
  • My brother __________ his car.
  • Which is his/her profession?
    He's a doctor.
  • Everything / anything isreally expensive at this store.
  • Ann is getting on / getting back from school.
    getting back
  • Is there everyone / anything in the fridge?
  • Find something smaller than your hand.
    I have a/an _______.
  • Let's have a __________ with some friends.
  • Sue is the goodest / the better / the best in her class.
    the best
  • Terry is the most intelligent / more intelligent than in her class.
    the most intelligent
  • I am seeing / see my cousins tomorrow.
    am seeing
  • Are you watching the soccer game tomorrow? Yes, I am. / Yes, I do.
    Yes, I am.
  • Cars are __________ than bikes.
  • Yesterday, I __________ the bus to go to school.