
Spanish Expectations, Policies, Procedures

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  • What does C-A-N stand for?
    Confidence, Accuracy, No Hesitation
  • When do you ask "¿Puedo ir a la oficina?"
    To go to the office.
  • What are you expected to review at home daily?
    Your vocabulary.
  • What does this mean: "¿Cómo se dice...?"
    How do you say...?
  • When do you ask "¿Puedo tomar agua?"
    When you need a drink of water
  • What does this mean: "¡Gira y habla!"
    Turn and talk
  • What is the "vocabulary" section for in your notebook?
    For you to write new words you hear or ask about in class.
  • What does this mean: "¿Cómo se escribe...?"
    How do you spell...?
  • What do you do with your chair before you leave?
    Push it under your desk.
  • Can you listen to music on your airpods/earbuds?
  • What does this mean: ¿Me ayudas, por favor?
    Can you help me, please?
  • Will your Citizenship go down if you come unprepared to class?
  • When do you ask "¿puedo ir al baño?"
    To go to the bathroom
  • What does this mean: "Más tiempo, por favor?"
    More time, please?
  • What can you do with the stamps in your passports?
    Get rewards/candy/treasure chest/the couch.
  • Can you opt out of activities and games without getting an N or a U in Citizenship?
  • What does this mean: "¿Listos?"
  • What does this mean: ¿Cuántos años tienes?
    How old are you?
  • When do you ask "¿Tienes un lápiz?"
    When you need a pencil.
  • What does this mean: ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
    What is your name?
  • Can you mess with other people's property and classroom decorations/supplies?
  • Is there any homework in Spanish?
  • What happens if you have your phone out?
    You have to take it to the office.
  • How many sections does your journal have?
  • Where do you leave your notebook?
    In the tub.
  • When do you ask "¿puedo llenar mi botella?"
    When you need to fill your bottle.
  • What does this mean: ¿De dónde eres?
    Where are you from?
  • What does this mean: ¿Qué es ... en inglés?"
    What is ... in English?
  • Where will your vocabulary and other handouts go in your notebook?
    In the "Notes" section.
  • When do you ask "¿Tienes un papel?"
    When you need a piece of paper
  • Where will your daily writing go in your notebook?
    In the "Activities" section.
  • What do you need to do to retake a test?
    Show proof that you studied / do an assignment / make flashcards