
G7 Unit 3 and 4

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  • Element, Compound, Mixture: Sodium Chloride (table salt) that is used for cooking
  • What is solubility?
    The ability of a solute to dissolve in a solvent.
  • The technique used to separate a mixture depends on ________________________ and _____________.
    physical properties of the substances present in the mixture and substance(s) to be obtained from the mixture.
  • _____________is a metal that is liquid in a room temperature. State the common use of the said metal.
    Mercury. It is used in the thermometers.
  • Give the different properties of an element, compound and mixtures.
    Element is pure, made up of 1 kind of atom. Compound are made up of different elements that are chemically combined. Mixtures are not chemically combined.
  • Give the difference between solubility and rate of solubility.
    The rate of solubility is the amount of solute that dissolves in a fixed volume of solvent, given a fixed amount of time
  • The trapped solid particles that remain on the filter paper is called the ___________.
  • True of False: A suspension is a mixture that dissolves in a solvent.
    False. The insoluble substances are suspended in a liquid or gas.
  • The pure liquid collected from distillation is called the ____________.
  • The liquid that passes through the filter is called the ________________.
  • True or False: When a mixture is formed, no chemical reaction occurs. Hence, a chemical reaction can be separated easily by physical methods.
  • Give 3 factors that can affect the solubility of a solute.
    nature of the solvent, nature of the solute, temperature
  • Give 3 factors that can affect the rate of solubility.
    temperature, size of solute particles, rate of stirring
  • _____________________ is the technique used to separate dissolve solids from a solid-liquid mixture.
  • _________________ is the technique used to separate a pure liquid from a solid-liquid or liquid-liquid mixture.
  • Explain why solid particles can be separated from a liquid by filtration.
    The filter paper allows tiny water molecules to pass through the tiny pores in the paper, whilst holding back the much larger particles of solid.
  • True or False: The elements that make up a compound are always combined in a fixed proportion.
  • A technique used to separate different dyes in the ink mixture.
  • Element, Compound, Mixture: It can be broken down by chemical methods.