
Challenges for Mustafa

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  • Mustafa, Unscramble this word L-A-P-P-E
  • Mustafa , can you bring 2 white papers and 2 penciles , then guess the paint.
  • Mustafa, can you hop on one leg 5 times ?
  • Can you count to 30 skipping 2 ?
    2, 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30.
  • Mustafa , bring 2 white papers and watch a video about how to make a boat
  • Mustafa , can you tell me about 4 countries start with the letter M
    Malasiya, Moroco, Madgascar, Mauritania,...................
  • Mustafa, Listen to the teacher and guess what is she talking about.
  • Mustafa, can you tell me if you want to have a new hair cut , where will you go ?
    The supermarket
    The park
    The pharmacy
    The Barber Shop
  • Find three things in the room starts with the letter B ?
    Books, Basket , Bed , Blanket, etc................
  • Mustafa, can you tell me when you when we mix the colors yellow and blue , what color will we get ?
  • Mustafa, can you show me your funny face ?
  • Mustafa, can you put something on your head and try to balance for 1 mintue ?
  • Mustafa, Bring a white paper and colors then draw your favourite animal
  • Mustafa, can you tell me all the fruits you know in 2 mintues ?
  • Mustafa, Can you make the sounds of 5 animals.