
to be going to + might +Pr. Simple and Cont. A2

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  • My friends rarely (to have lunch) at this restaurant.
    have lunch
  • I have got the tickets! I (to go) to the concert of Taylor Swift!
    am going to go
  • He (to brush) his teeth and can't answer the phone right now.
    is brushing
  • According to the weather forecast, it (snow)
    is going to snow
  • She usually works from home but today she (to work) in the office.
    is working
  • They usually (to hang out) at John's place.
    hang out
  • It is only 7am and the temperature is already 25 above zero. It (be hot)
    is going to be hot/might be hot
  • What will you do at the weekend? I don't know. I (go) to the cinema.
    might go
  • There are clouds in the sky. It (rain)
    is going to rain
  • Listen! They (to talk) about our new boss!
  • She often (to visit) her grandparents at the weekend.
  • She is taking her holidays. She (to go) to Italy.
    is going to go
  • I am wearing my T-shirt today. I think it (be sunny)