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  • What landmark is near where the Mayflower docked?
    Plymouth Rock
  • What are 4 ways the Wampanoag got their food?
    hunting, fishing, farming and gathering
  • Where did the pilgrims come from?
  • What is this place?
    The Massachusetts "town" known as Plimouth Plantation where the early pilgrims lived (Plymouth is a-ok)
  • Why were the pilgrims celebrating in the fall of 1621?
    They had a good harvest.
  • What year did the Mayflower land in Massachusetts?
  • Were there more Wampanoag or pilgrims at the first feast?
  • What is the Mayflower Compact?
    It is the laws or rules of the new settlers.
  • What was one thing the pilgrims traded to the Wampanoag?
  • What is a bird we eat in November?
  • How many of the original colonists died during the first winter?
  • How long did it take the Mayflower to sail from England to Massachusetts?
    66 days
  • Why didn't the Mayflower land where it was intended?
    A storm blew them off course.
  • How long did the feast of 1621 last?
    3 days
  • Who declared Thanksgiving to be a national holiday?
    Abraham Lincoln