
Scientific Method

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  • an answer to your hypothesis that has been based on the results of your experiment
  • Another word for information; Something you collect during your experiment
  • What should you do if your experiment results do not support your hypothesis?
    Share your results anyway and create a new hypothesis to test.
  • Which step in the scientific method would a scientist be following as they make an educated guess about the answer to their question?
    Forming a Hypothesis
  • Tom wonders, "Does spinach make dogs grow larger?" He gathers 6 dogs of the same breed and size. Three dogs get spinach mixed with their food, and the other three get no spinach. What is the hypothesis Tom is testing?
    IF dogs each spinach THEN they will grow larger.
  • Tom wonders, "Does spinach make dogs grow larger?" He gathers 6 dogs of the same breed and size. Three dogs get spinach mixed with their food, and the other three get no spinach. How could Tom collect data during this experiment?
    He could measure the weight and/or height of the dogs throughout the experiment.
  • Must be done before creating a hypothesis so your guess can be an educated one.
  • Which step in the scientific method would a scientist be following if they take the data they collected from the experiment and organize it into a chart or graph?
    Analyzing Data
  • Name the 7 steps of the scientific method.
    Question/Problem, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, Draw Conclusion, Share Results
  • Scientific Method
    A series of step used to test a hypothesis to reach a scientific conclusion
  • Which step of the scientific method would a scientist be following if they measure and record the growth of three different plans over the course of a month?
    Collecting Data
  • How should a hypothesis be written?
    Using the structure "IF...THEN..."
  • something a person thinks is true, but can't be directly proven true or false
  • Which step in the scientific method would a scientist be following if they start to wonder why something works the way it does?
    Asking a Question/ Noticing a Problem
  • a statement that can be proven or disproven
  • Which step of the scientific method would a scientist be following when they decide whether or not their experiment results supports their hypothesis?
    Drawing Conclusions
  • Tom says that eating spinach will make dogs grow larger. He gets 6 similar dogs. 3 get spinach in their food, and the other 3 do not. The dogs who got spinach gain 5 more lbs than the others. Do these results support Tom's hypothesis? How?
    Yes, because data showed that the dogs who ate spinach did get bigger than the other dogs.
  • What is used to test a hypothesis?
  • Which step in the scientific method would a scientist be following if they are looking up information about the topic they want to test?