
Quantifiers GEP8

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  • You aren't walking ENOUGH FAST / FAST ENOUGH.
    fast enough
  • Name 7 uncountable nouns
    Checked by the teacher
  • Name 7 countable nouns
    checked by teacher
  • A: Do you want some more ice cream? B: Just A FEW / A LITTLE.
    a little
  • I don't have plenty of money. RIGHT or WRONG?
    WRONG (We use "plenty of" in positive sentences.
  • This place is so noisy because there are ..... people.
    too many
  • Complete: How much...?
    Checked by the teacher
  • Complete: There is a little ...
    Checked by the teacher
  • This bag isn't ENOUGH BIG / BIG ENOUGH to put all my books in.
    big enough
  • I haven't got MUCH / MANY homework to do today.
  • Most of my friends spend TOO MANY / TOO MUCH time on social networking sites.
    too much
  • There ..... chairs. We need 3 more.
    Checked by the teacher
  • I like my coffee with just A LITTLE / A FEW hot milk.
    a little
  • Complete: There were only few ...
    Checked by the teacher
  • Complete: He has got very little ...
    checked by the teacher
  • There's NO / ANY time to stop for lunch. We'll just have to have a sandwhich.
  • There isn't ..... petrol in the tank. She's looking for a gas station.
    checked by the teacher
  • Complete: He wants to buy an Iphone 12, but he .....
    checked by the teacher
  • He can't affort it. It's ........ for him.
    checked by the teacher
  • I think people eat TOO QUICKLY / TOO MUCH QUICKLY there days.
    too quickly
  • She only speaks _____ German. A FEW or A LITTLE ?
    Checked by the teacher
  • There aren't ENOUGH HOURS / HOURS ENOUGH in the day to do everything.
    enough hours
  • I'm so sleepy right now. Last night I ...
    checked by the teacher
  • There were LOT / LOTS OF people waiting at the bus stop.
    lots of