
Greetings, Leave-taking, Thanking, Apologizing

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  • Nicky : I’m going to sleep now. Stuart : OK ...
    good night
  • What is the suitable response if this expression "Thank you so much"?
    You're welcome
  • What do you say to greet the person? Good ...
  • "See you later". When do we use this expression?
    Leave the conversation / parting ways
  • "How are you doing?" is the expression of ....
  • Good...
  • How do you do?
    How do you do
  • Why do we thank someone? To ....
    show our gratitude to him/her
  • Good...
  • I’m sorry, I lost your book. The best response is...
    No problem / No worry
  • What's the best expression you say?
    Thank you / Thank you so much
  • You meet your friend at 5.00 pm. You say...
    Good afternoon
  • You meet your friends at almost 2 p.m. in the canteen. You greet them, good ....
  • Rina : "Pass me the salt, please". Bima : "Here you are". Rina : ...
    Thank you / Thanks
  • It is 08.30 a.m. What do you say?
    Good morning
  • What is the purpose of the expression of apologizing?
    to apologize / to say sorry
  • It’s at 9 p.m. You meet your teacher in a supermarket. You greet him, good ....
  • What's the best expression you say?
    I'm sorry
  • Good...
  • When do we usually say good night?
    When we leave at night / or before sleep
  • Your teacher helps you, you say...
    thank you