
Let's start MOV2

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  • What's a good tip to protect yourself on the internet?
  • How do you say the number 235.446.789,02?
    Two hundred and thirty-five million...
  • What are you never too tired to do?
    I'm never too tired to...
  • Have you already planned your next vacation?
    Yes, I have. No, I haven't.
  • What is something absolutely necessary for your daily life?
    I think something absolutely necessary is...
  • Is there someone who sent you a message and you never wrote back?
    I never wrote back to_____.
  • What should you do if you have a sore throat?
    You should...
  • In what school program did you learn to read?
    I learned to read in kindergarten/elementary school.
  • Mention something Caxias has enough of
    Caxias has enough...
  • Are you going to watch anything else at the Olympics?
    I'm going to watch...
  • What is something not important at all for living in Brazil?
    _____ is probably not important at all.
  • Mention a person who you admire and say why.
    A person who I admire is...., because...
  • Mention something that you would never do and say why.
    I would never...
  • Explain how you can do to post a story on Instagram
    First I (scroll/swipe/select...), then I..., finally I...
  • What kind of physical activity are you better at?
    I'm better at _________
  • How long have you studied at Yázigi?
    I've studied at Yázigi since...
  • Is there a series you have starter but not finished yet?
    I haven't finished ____ yet.
  • When were you last sick? What were your symptoms?
    I was sick in.... My symptoms were...
  • Mention a person in your family who is taller than you
    __________ is taller than me.
  • What are you going to do tonight after class?
    I'm going to...