
Climate Test Review

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  • the large-scale movement of air around Earth
    atmospheric circulation
  • Explain how two cities located at the same latitude can have different climates.
    unequal heating, ocean currents, mountains/altitude, and patterns of wind.
  • How do mountains affect the climate of a place?
    Due to the altitude, it will be colder at the top. The front side of the mountain will receive more rain. The back side of a mountain can be dry (rain shadow)
  • saltiness or dissolved salt content of a body of water
  • How is climate affected by Earth's rotation?
    The winds blow in different directions. Convection air and ocean currents flow in certain directions based on the rotation of the Earth.
  • a circular movement of fluids caused by the rising of hotter, less dense fluids and the falling of cooler, denser fluids
    convection currents
  • average weather patterns for a particular region
  • a directional movement of ocean water
    ocean current
  • Why is it hotter at the equator than it is at the poles?
    The equator is much hotter because the sun shines directly on it. The sun shines at an angle towards the poles so the light is less intense and it is colder.
  • How does the unequal heating and rotation of the Earth influence the climate of a place?
    The sun heats unequally so it is hotter near the equator. Rotation of the earth causes wind currents to blow from the poles to the equator
  • Explain how the ocean currents affect the climate of San Francisco.
    The current that runs along the California coastline runs from north to south, it carries cool water, which keeps the coast a consistent cooler temperature.