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  • Tell me something you could do at the age of 7.
  • What did you do in your last vacation?
  • Tell me about two activities you always do before going to bed.
  • Tell me about a recent / a very important personal achievement.
  • Where did you go last weekend?/Who did you meet?
  • What’s your favourite sports competition?
  • What were you doing two years ago?
  • What do you enjoy doing at the weekends?
  • How often do you...?
  • Can you mention three objects you usually use in your day?
  • What are you doing next weekend?
  • Tell me what you’re good at/ you’re keen on.
  • Tell me what you used to do last year
  • Do you fancy watching…? What kind of movies are you a fan of? / What do you prefer watching?
  • Tell me about something you were doing yesterday and what happened.
  • What’s your favourite activity/sport?
  • Tell me what they were doing...
  • What was the last time someone invited you to a party/event/go to the cinema?